News: Newsletters


Ten Days in Spain

We finally successfully pulled off our trip to Spain in August, visiting Madrid, Sevilla, and Barcelona during our 9 days there.


Rethinking Social Media

It’s been rough out there on social media lately. Those of us who aren’t adept at video are seeing our visibility and reach plummet. Many artists are very dismayed at what used to be a visual medium essentially giving us the boot. I, like many others, have started to focus on a well-curated monthly newsletter,…

Some Bad News and Some Good News

First, the Bad News You may have heard that the monarch butterfly (Danaus plexippus) was added to the IUCN list of endangered species in July. Despite the status of this beautiful creature as an emblem of all things Environmental, we’re not doing enough. In July, I promised to share some information and resources on how…


Indiana Dunes Birding Festival

A recent bright spot for me in this utterly depressing spring was the IDBF. Did you know that an estimated 8 million birds that flew overhead during just the first 3 days of the festival on their annual migratory journeys? The Lake Michigan shoreline is a major funnel for birds making their journeys every spring…


January 2021 Newsletter

I subtitled this newsletter “Time to Rest and Reflect.” While I see a lot of energy and good intentions and goal setting each year-end, for me it’s a time to rest up, recharge, and start off slow and steady. I have a number of client projects underway already, but chose to share some 2021 highlights…